Saturday, August 2, 2008

An Introduction

My bellydance-related entries, reviews, etc. have up until this point been strewn in various places across the web: on my Tribe account, in my personal Livejournal, etc. I have decided that they should have a place all their own, hence the creation of this blog. Although it is a very new creation (I set this blog into motion only yesterday), I have been adding entries which were formerly in alternate locations and I've been back-dating them to reflect the time of their original posting.

As I mention in my profile, I've only been involved in bellydance for approximately two years, and I do still consider myself a beginner or "baby dancer." In that relatively short time though bellydance has become a cherished part of my life and I hope this blog will exude that sincerity of interest and my passion to learn more about this art form.

The blog description reveals a general idea as to how I plan for this blog to evolve, and its current contents provide a taste of the varieties of entries I intend to include: personal experiences; music, book, and DVD reviews; artwork celebrating bellydance; opinion pieces, and information on the local bellydance scene in my geographical area.

Welcome to Cervid Dance!

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